 What are the logistic charges?

For delivery within India, shipping is free for all orders  Rs. 999 and above. For order value lesser than Rs. 999, there will be a shipping fee of Rs. 150 only.

 In how much time the order is delivered?

Once the order is placed, the order is dispatched within the next 3 to 5 working days. Depending on the distance, it takes approximately 7-10 working days for deliveries within India.

 What are your return policy?

In case a product is defective/damaged condition or different from the ordered item we will provide a free replacement within 7 days of replacement request. In case a replacement is not available then we will offer a full refund. Please contact support@wembleytoys.com within 48 hrs of receiving the order. We will provide a replacement within 7 working days of this request.

 What make Wembley Toys unique?

Toys are important in early child development in relation to their facilitation of cognitive development, problem-solving, social interactions, & physical activity. Wembley toys are designed to ignite children’s imagination and curiosity, allowing them to discover their true potential.

 Are the toys safe for my kids?

Your Child’s safety is our first and utmost priority. All toys are ISI-certified and BIS-approved and meet all the safety requirements. Wembley toys are very safe, made from ton-toxic and colored in bright non-toxic paints.

 Is it safe to order from you online?

Online safety is our top most priority! The shopping cart is equipped with a Secure SSL Certificate to ensure the safety of all your personal information.

 How do I order?

You need to log in with the email id and password. You can browse through the catalog and select the toys. After that you can pay according to the mode of payment of your choice and order.

 Can I cancel my order before it ships?

You can if you are fast enough! Since we process orders quickly (most ship within 24 hours or much, much sooner!), you will need mail, or whatsapp Live Chat online, so we can check the real-time status of your order and let you know if it can be canceled.

 How can I check if the Order can be delivered to my PIN Code?

You can find out using the courier serviceability section available on the product page. Please enter your area PIN code in the respective field to get the required information about standard order delivery time. The PIN codes serviced by us are frequently updated, so if we do not deliver to your PIN code today, please come back and check to see if this has changed.

 When will I receive my refund?

Payments made via Credit Cards, Debit Card, Net Banking or wallet, will be refunded in 7-10 working days from the time of order cancellation.

 What if the amount got debited from my side but I did not receive an Order ID?

We ensure that an Order ID is confirmed only once our bank receives the payment from your bank. Sometimes, due to unforeseen reasons, the amount might be debited from your side but wouldn’t have been received by us yet.

Please Call us on +91-87773 49044 and we’ll sort it out for you