Shipping & Delivery

We make our best efforts to deliver products within 5 to 7 working days to the address specified by you during the purchase process. We ensure that all products listed on our website are currently in stock and pricing is true and correct. In the unlikely event that an ordered item isn’t available or we are unable to fulfill your order, you could connect with us at Please note we cannot ship goods to an address outside of India.  

Shipping is free for all orders  Rs. 999 and above. For order value lesser than Rs. 999, there will be a shipping fee of Rs. 150 only.

Our delivery partners will attempt to deliver the package twice before it is returned back to our warehouse. Please provide your mobile number in the delivery address as it will help in making a faster delivery.

Wembley ensures to provide a delightful customer experience by delivering the products as per the Estimated Delivery Date communicated as above. However, at times there might be unexpected delays in the delivery of your order due to unavoidable and undetermined logistics challenges beyond our control for which Wembley is not liable and would request its users to cooperate.